Work with the Energy Learning Network – Deadline 17 Sept

27 August 2024

The Energy Learning Network is looking to recruit 5-10 local councils across the UK to work with over the next two years to support the growth of skills and knowledge to enable and deliver community energy activities locally. This is also a fantastic opportunity to meet, learn from and collaborate with other local councils from across the UK and share challenges and solutions.

To apply, please complete this short Expression of Interest form by Tuesday 17 September at 17:00

This is being coordinated by one of the Energy Learning Network’s delivery partners, the Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE), an independent national charity supporting people and organisations across the UK to tackle the climate emergency and end the suffering caused by cold homes.

What is the time commitment?
There will be six 1.5 hour workshops (delivered online). The first of these will be in November 2024. The following five workshops will take place between January 2025 and March 2026.
Attendance at the workshops is a core part of the network so your participation at these is a mandatory part of being involved. Outside the workshops, there will be time commitments for you in terms of taking forward the actions identified in the workshops and reflecting on the learnings. As part of this opportunity, you will also be able to receive ongoing advice and support from CSE.
Who is eligible?
You must be a local council in the UK and have an interest in supporting the growth of community energy in your local area. You can be based in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

  • England – parish or town council
  • Wales – town or community councils
  • Scotland – community councils
  • Northern Ireland – district councils, Community Associations and Village Committees

We’re looking for a mix of experience of community energy so whether have some experience, or no experience but you are interested, please apply.

How can I apply?
To apply, please complete this short Expression of Interest form by Tuesday 17 September at 17:00

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact [email protected]

Click here to find out more about the Energy Learning Network (in English)

Click here to find out more about the Energy Learning Network (in Welsh)

Climate ChangeGeneral Sector News