Get in touch

In need of an answer? Check out our FAQs or Advice page.

Head Office Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday: 9am-5pm
Friday: 9am-4.30pm
Finance Queries: 01823 448255
Advice Line (for members): 0800 260 6814
01823 253646

The Society of Local Council Clerks, Collar Factory, Suite 2.01, 112 St. Augustine Street, Taunton, Somerset TA1 1QN

Registered in England and Wales with company registration number: 10566132

Bank details:
SLCC Enterprises Ltd
Bank: Unity Trust Bank
Sort code: 60-83-01
Account number: 20290997

Society of Local Council Clerks
Bank: Unity Trust Bank
Sort code: 60-83-01
Account number: 20314459

If you’re unsure, please refer to the invoice and use the payment details listed at the bottom. Please ensure that an invoice number is always quoted when making payments.

    To help us direct your query to the appropriate department please tell us the nature of your query.

    Do you require a Locum to attend your council meeting?

    Could some of the work be completed remotely?

    Have you found an issue with the website?

    What web browser do you use?