Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations (VCSE) Energy Efficiency Scheme

17 May 2024

Applications for the government funded VCSE Energy Efficiency Scheme, a £25m package helping charities and social enterprises save money on energy bills and become more energy efficient, is now open for applications.

The scheme is available in two parts:

  • An Independent Energy Assessment (IEA) that will support VCSE organisations to identify energy saving measures in their community building
  • Capital Grants of between £2,000 and £150,000 that can be used to install energy efficiency measures that have been identified in the IEA

Eligibility criteria
To apply for an independent energy assessment, organisations must:

  • Be based and operating in England
  • Be a VCSE organisation, with charitable, benevolent or philanthropic purposes
  • Be delivering frontline services or operating a hub (a building) that delivers multiple frontline services
  • Be able to evidence the need for energy efficiency support
  • Be able to evidence that they are financially sustainable

Priority criteria
The scheme is primarily targeted at micro, small and medium organisations supporting individuals and communities with critical needs. Examples include:

  • Services that address poverty, including by providing food, warmth, emergency supplies or personal grants
  • Shelter, accommodation and housing for those most in need
  • Advice for people experiencing financial, housing or legal challenges
  • Services that address specific physical and mental health issues (such as disability, addiction and dementia)
  • Education, training and employment services that improve employability
  • Community hubs or centres, out of which any of the above services operate

The scheme is also prioritising organisations for whom energy is the biggest concern.

Please note applications for assessments close on 20 June 2024.

Click here for more information and to apply.
