SLCC & NALC Meeting – 23 August

28 August 2024

SLCC and the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) senior officers including Adam Keppel-Green FSLCC, SLCC chair, and Keith Stevens, NALC chair, held their latest catch-up meeting on 23 August. We discussed working together to support councils, clerks and councillors and promoting the sector with government and principal authorities. A key focus would be developing the sector’s role in promoting community safety and cohesion. The new government has committed to introducing Martyn’s Law and we noted that good joint working was already in place with valuable input and expertise provided by Helen Ball FSLCC, SLCC Vice-Chair and Director. We also covered the joint Improvement and Development Board (IDB) workstreams, promoting the sector’s role in climate change and nature recovery, and plans for our joint stand at the forthcoming Local Government Association (LGA) conference.

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