SLCC is now White Ribbon Accredited

24 October 2024

SLCC is committed to working towards ending men’s violence against women by becoming White Ribbon Accredited, aligning with White Ribbon UK, the leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women.

As a White Ribbon Accredited organisation, SLCC will deliver a comprehensive multi-year plan to transform our staff culture, systems, and the wider community we operate in. White Ribbon Accreditation is an opportunity to make our workplace a safe place for men and women, and to upskill our staff to become changemakers.

Some of the actions that will be taken include:

  • Raise awareness of violence against women and girls within SLCC’s membership to support the work of the National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
  • Encourage clerks to register as an ambassador or champion and to educate their staff and councillors.
  • Engage, alongside NALC, men in the local council sector in tackling violence against women and girls
  • Share resources and information (through the creation of a toolkit, website pages and communications activity)

Rob Smith, SLCC Chief Executive said, “Our commitment to White Ribbon Accreditation marks an important milestone in SLCC’s dedication to creating positive change. Through developing practical resources and encouraging clerks to become champions or ambassadors, we’ll support our members in implementing effective strategies to tackle violence against women and girls.”

Anthea Sully, Chief Executive of White Ribbon UK said, “White Ribbon Accredited Organisations can make a real difference towards ending violence against women by promoting a culture of respect and equality among their staff and wider communities. By raising awareness among employees, people can learn how to become allies and call out violent and abusive behaviour when they see it. We are delighted to welcome SLCC as one of our White Ribbon Accredited Organisations and are looking forward to working with them towards ending violence against women once and for all”.

White Ribbon UK is also one of the chosen charities of Gina Lopes PSLCC, SLCC President, who will be raising both awareness and funds in support of this vital cause throughout her presidential year.

Find out more about White Ribbon here.

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