Planning Aid Wales Event

21 February 2025

Planning Aid Wales is hosting a free online network event on Thursday, 6 March from 12:30pm to 2pm.

The event will ‘discuss housing provision in the context of health issues and will answer a current pressing community question “How can they build more houses when I can’t get a GP appointment?”’

The Deputy Director of Operations in the Primary, Community and Intermediate Care clinical board in Cardiff and Vale UHB will be in attendance, as well as local planning authority officers who will be giving updates on their Local Development Plan work. Planning Aid Wales will discuss community engagement feedback from across Wales, and Wales Health Impact Assessment Support Unit (WHIASU) will provide a valuable resources guide for healthy planning.

The event is aimed at planning professionals, those with an interest in healthy places, and town and community councils with a local interest in health issues and new housing allocations.

Click here for more information and to book your place.

Applicable in Wales only