HSE Call for Evidence on Policy to Prevent and Manage Work-Related Stress

18 September 2024

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is funding a new research project, Occupational Stress Consultation and Research (OSCAR), to gather insights on work-related stress. The results will inform policy decisions and create practical guidance for employers.

HSE is seeking input to understand how work-related stress is discussed and managed in the real world, the barriers people face, and examples of best practice. They invite contributions from employers, clinicians, occupational health/wellbeing leads, advisory agencies, support charities, professional bodies, unions, academics to share their recommended practices, guidance resources and trusted literature in the field of work-related stress.

The deadline for submissions is 30 September 2024. Submissions are anonymous, and personal information is not required.

To take part, click here to complete the call for evidence. Alternatively, you can email [email protected].

General Sector News