Either the clerk or the council can pay for the subscription. Many councils realise the benefits of having a clerk who is properly trained and fully briefed on the issues of the day and has access to fast accurate advice on the problems that they face. The majority of councils pay for the clerks subscription. See also ‘Under what power can my council pay my subscription?’
More FAQs
- Can I still be a member after I leave the council?
- Can I still use my designated letters when I retire?
- Do I have to be a clerk to join?
- How do I calculate my Full membership subscription?
- I am halfway through my membership, can I upgrade to become a Principal/Fellow member?
- I have a procurement project coming up which require specialist expertise, can you help?
- If I join the SLCC, does my membership start from now or the beginning of the year?
- If I leave my council does the membership travel with me?
- Our council needs to cover staff absence, can you help?
- Under what power can my council pay my subscription?
- What are my membership terms and conditions?
- What if I clerk to more than one council?
- What is the difference between the SLCC, NALC and One Voice Wales?
- Who pays my subscription?