Clerks who work for more than one council should combine their gross annual salary or gross pro-rata salary from all councils to calculate the correct subscription rate for Full, Principal or Fellow membership.
More FAQs
- Can I still be a member after I leave the council?
- Can I still use my designated letters when I retire?
- Do I have to be a clerk to join?
- How do I calculate my Full membership subscription?
- I am halfway through my membership, can I upgrade to become a Principal/Fellow member?
- I have a procurement project coming up which require specialist expertise, can you help?
- If I join the SLCC, does my membership start from now or the beginning of the year?
- If I leave my council does the membership travel with me?
- Our council needs to cover staff absence, can you help?
- Under what power can my council pay my subscription?
- What are my membership terms and conditions?
- What if I clerk to more than one council?
- What is the difference between the SLCC, NALC and One Voice Wales?
- Who pays my subscription?