
As parish clerks we all have to manage a response from our councils to planning applications, and since April 2024 most planning applications now include something about biodiversity net gain (BNG). As the new Labour Government plans to build many more houses, we can expect even more planning applications in the near future.

This webinar delivered jointly by SLCC’s Planning and Environmental Advisors will tell you:

  • What is biodiversity net gain?
  • How is it measured and managed?
  • What we should look for in planning applications?
  • What we can do in advance to prepare for our responses?
  • How we can include BNG aspects in our neighbourhood plan?
  • Generally what it means for local councils

Please bring along your own experiences of BNG to share, which we can include in our further conversations with officers from DEFRA, the responsible Government department.


Hedgehog in a grassy / mossy area


Monday 3 March, 2:00pm – 3:00pm


Members: £30 + VAT
Non-Members: £35 + VAT

CPD points

Claim 1 CPD point for attending this webinar!

Joining instructions will be sent to you 3 weeks before the event (please check your spam inbox) and your invoice will be sent before the event. We advise that, on receipt of the joining instructions, you are liable for any fees incurred in order to attend the event.

Wooden bug hotel attached to a blossoming tree

About the Trainers

Andrew Towlerton

Andrew is the National Planning Advisor to the Society of Local Council Clerks. A qualified planner, Andrew has worked in various senior planning roles in the public and private sectors. He is also a parish clerk so is familiar with local councils.




Andrew Towlerton, National Planning Advisor

Andrew Mailphant

Andrew Maliphant was the part-time parish clerk at Longhope, Gloucestershire for 8 years from 2012 to 2020.

He now carries out consultancy work for LCC Associates under the banner of The Community Works, along with working as the SLCC’s Environmental and Sustainability Advisor.

Andrew has worked in the public, private and voluntary sectors, and has over twenty-five years’ experience in regeneration programme and project management, in both rural and urban areas. He has successfully led teams in community-based regeneration in market towns, city centre and the urban fringe, in all of which he developed and delivered partnership projects with community groups and outside organisations.

Andrew describes what he does as “Helping People to Help Themselves”, with particular reference to improving the place where they live or work. He is currently working with NALC and other organisations and networks to gather good practice in response to the impact of climate change.

Since publishing his Local Regeneration Handbook (Sage Publications October 2017 – available from the SLCC bookshop) Andrew has continued to share and develop good practice through networking, published articles and training courses. He is very happy to talk to any parish, town or community council – or other local group – about their plans and concerns for the future.

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