

Wednesday 30th June, from 4:00pm – 5:00pm


The cost for this session is: £20 + VAT

CPD points

Claim 1 CPD point for attending!

Certificate in Local Council Administration (CiLCA)

Webinar Content

Designed for students in both England & Wales who have already attended face-to-face, CiLCA training with SLCC or their County Association, each 60-minute webinar will cover one unit and, to provide individual support, each webinar will cater for a maximum of 6 delegates.

We would ask that students who receive training and mentoring through their County Association to contact them in the first instance to find out if they are offering a similar virtual service.

Webinar delegates are advised to come prepared to ask questions and share their thoughts.

About the Mentor

Sam Shippen is Clerk to Bicester Town Council and has been involved with parish & town councils since January 1998, having previously held several posts in Durham County Council for thirteen years. She now has her own company, Sam Shippen Associates Ltd which offers locum services to councils alongside specific service, staffing and structural reviews or covering a single meeting.

Her long association with the SLCC includes having being Branch Secretary for County Durham & Cleveland Branch, representing the branch on the National Executive 2002/2010, NEC Vice Chairman 2006/07 and Chairman 2007/10, Chairman of the Board of the Institute of Local Council Management 2006/2014 and External Affairs Officer 2010/14. She has represented the SLCC on various national committees and been involved in the development of legislation with the Department of Communities and Local Government on behalf of the SLCC.

Sam has been a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators since 2006, having qualified as a chartered secretary in 1994. She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Local Council Management and holds a Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation with the International Institute of Municipal Clerks.

Sam Shippen, CiLCA Trainer

CiLCA Recognised Trainer

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