Civility & Respect

14 August 2024

On 30 July SLCC were pleased to meet with representatives of the Rt. Hon. Sir Julian Lewis MP and colleagues at the Association of Local Council Clerks (ALCC) to discuss civility and respect and our shared objectives. This was a follow-up to the adjournment debate which Sir Julian tabled in the House of Commons on 9 May (before the general election) at which the then Minister of State, Simon Hoare, agreed to meet with Sir Julian and representatives of our sector. At the meeting they discussed ways in which we can jointly put the case to the new Minister for Local Government and SLCC were pleased to have the opportunity to hear from colleagues and brief them on the status of our sector’s Civility & Respect Project. SLCC look forward to meeting with Sir Julian himself and, from there, hope to speak to the Minister.

Civility & RespectGeneral Sector News