Salisbury launches its bid to be crowned a Rising Star in the Great British High Street Awards

30 August 2018

Tourists and residents are being urged to make the most of Salisbury, as the city launches its bid to be crowned a ‘Rising Star’ in the Great British High Streets Awards.

Communities Secretary, Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, visited business owners in Salisbury and Amesbury last week to thank them for their community spirit, and see first hand how government funding is helping the city recover following incidents earlier in the year.

Salisbury has received more than £5 million in funding to further support businesses, boost tourism and meet unexpected costs.

Early indications show that the cash injection is encouraging tourists to return to Salisbury.

Now the city is in line for a further £10,000 if it scoops the top spot in the ‘Rising Star’ category of the Great British High Streets competition – which celebrates the most ambitious high streets taking a lead and working together to revive, adapt and diversify.

Commenting upon the launch, City Clerk, Annie Child, said: “The City has been through a tough time and this bid is part of our fight back. The City Council and Salisbury BID are working closely together on a number of initiatives to promote and enhance the city for visitors and residents alike despite the recent incidents.”


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