Help API Create a Pathway to Play: Take Action Today!

12 September 2024

The Association of Play Industries (API) is excited to share an important opportunity for you to help shape the future of outdoor play in the UK. As part of their Pathway to Play campaign, the API is calling on all members and supporters to take action to ensure that children’s play is a top priority for the new government in their first Budget on 30 October.

Why this matters

The newly elected government has the chance to make a real difference in the lives of children by investing in public playgrounds. API’s campaign highlights the urgent need for more and better play spaces to combat rising childhood obesity and mental health issues.

How you can get involved

API has created a template letter that you can personalise and send to your local MP, urging them to support the Pathway to Play campaign. By highlighting the need for a national audit of playgrounds, long-term funding for play spaces and the integration of outdoor learning in schools, your voice can help make play a priority.

Take Action Now

  • Download the Template Letter
  • Personalise it: Add your details and any personal experiences or concerns
  • Send it to your MP: Let them know why investing in play is crucial for our children’s future. You can find out who your MP is by visiting with details on how to write to or email them here
  • Please share in your newsletters and on social media using #PathwayToPlay and tagging in your local MP and the Chancellor @RachelReevesMP | Rt Hon Rachel Reeves | Rachel Reeves

Together we can make a difference

Your involvement is key to making the Pathway to Play a reality and ensuring that every child has access to safe, high-quality outdoor play spaces.

For more information click here.

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