Youth Engagement Joint Summit Success!

23 July 2024

On July 18, 2024, SLCC, the National Association of Local Councils (NALC), and One Voice Wales (OVW) successfully hosted the Youth Engagement Summit, a virtual event aimed at exploring innovative ways to engage and inspire young people in local governance.

The summit brought together local councils, clerks, councillors, and council employees from across England and Wales. Participants praised the event for its inspiring presentations and valuable insights into effective youth engagement strategies.

Highlights included a session by Dan Lawes, Head of Partnerships, My Life, My Say on ‘Give An X About Our Future’, demonstrating practical methods to involve young people in democratic decision-making processes. Comments from delegates included, “Thank you Dan & Paris for your really valuable contribution which shows us all how to engage with young people and communicate with them where they are to get them really involved with democratic decision making”, “Some of the creative ways that My Life My Say and the campaign have been reaching young people are just brilliant!”

Attendees left the summit with renewed optimism and practical tools for amplifying youth voices in their communities. The event underscored the importance of providing platforms for young people to contribute to local decision-making processes. This collaborative effort marks a significant step towards more inclusive and youth-oriented local governance across England and Wales.

What to learn more about the Youth Endowment Fund? Following on from his well-received session at the Youth Engagement Summit, Caleb Jackson will be delivering a workshop session on Tuesday 8 October (day one) of National Conference.

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