Local Council Clerk Expo 2024 Summary

20 June 2024

Last week saw the launch of SLCC’s brand new Local Council Clerk Expo event, which took place on 12 June 2024 at the Heart of England Conference Centre in Coventry.

The aim of this free event was to connect local council officers with local council suppliers. A day of exploration and learning, participants browsed through our exhibition room which featured 34 exhibitors from a range of industries, such as play equipment, waste management, insurance, software, lighting and more, as well as attending insightful training sessions led by industry experts.

Our popular demo area included sessions on how to use ChatGPT; what councils should consider when carrying out risk assessments for events; a demonstration of the simplicity and affordability of transitioning your council’s website and email to a gov.uk domain through Parish Online; transforming local government finance with intelligent automation; and, to coincide with celebrating Local Council Clerk Week, a session on empowerment through efficiency and achieving more with less.

Event feedback included:

“It was great to have short, interesting talks through the day and to be able to meet with exhibitors to get ideas for the council.”

“Informal, welcoming, friendly, informative.”

 “Plenty of time to talk to all the exhibitors and the talks were very informative. An excellent format.”

 “Lots of clerks aren’t supported by councils to attend conferences. A free, centrally located event serves those members and lets them meet suppliers. Good to be held in Week of the Clerk.”

Click here to view photos from the day

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