Government Consultation on Changes to Licencing Act 2003

21 May 2024

The government has launched a public consultation seeking views on whether changes should be made to the Licensing Act 2003 to make it easier for businesses with a premises licence to sell alcohol for consumption in an adjacent licensed pavement area.

The consultation considers all businesses including those that are currently taking advantage of the temporary measures in the Business and Planning Act 2020, as well as future new licensees, and sets out three possible options:

  • Option 1: Make current arrangements – as set out in the Business and Planning Act 2020 – permanent
  • Option 2: Amend the Licensing Act to extend the definition of on-sales so that it includes consumption in a licenced pavement area
  • Option 3: Amend the Licensing Act to permit on-sales only premises licence holders the right to make off-sales to any area for which there is a pavement licence

Click here for further information and to respond to the consultation. Please note the consultation is open until 11 July 2024.

ConsultationsGovernment Announcements/Legislation