- The registration fee must be paid within 30 days of receiving the invoice, otherwise the learning account will be suspended
- Cancellations after the invoice has been produced will result in a forfeit of all fees. However, substitution of learner will be allowed
- All course fees are subject to VAT
- No provisional bookings will be accepted
- Bookings will be acknowledged by e-mail on receipt of the booking form
- Joining instructions will be emailed within 5 working days from booking and will be supplied by Kaspersky
- Training must be completed within 12 months of the date of registration. After this time a new booking form must be submitted and the course paid for again
- Data Protection: In order to provide you with access to training your personal details will be shared with Microshade VSM and Kaspersky. The third parties will only have access and use your information as reasonably necessary to perform these tasks on our behalf and they will be bound to non-disclosure obligations and to the terms of the Privacy Policy. Please read the full Privacy Policy here: www.slcc.co.uk/privacy