What is the difference between the SLCC, NALC and One Voice Wales?

29 August 2019

The SLCC is the only professional body specifically for clerks and other staff in local councils. National Association of Local Councils (NALC) and its different County Association of Local Councils (CALC’s) in England and One Voice Wales (OVW) serve councils as corporate bodies. We work closely with NALC/CALC’s and OVW and there is some crossover in services (e.g. we are all training organisations).

The SLCC and NALC (on behalf of itself and County Associations) signed a Strategic Partnership statement in 2017 which established, among other things, that: ‘NALC and SLCC are clear in their support for councils to be members of their County Association and NALC, and for clerks to be members of the SLCC and active in their county branch. In that way councils get the best possible support for the professional development of clerks; and training and advice for councils and councillors. NALC and SLCC will work together to raise the sector’s reputation with the public, government, and other national and local stakeholders, and to ensure that government and other policies support local councils to help local communities.’